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From $564/pp

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From $564/pp


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A stunning Tuk Tuk Adventure taking you deep into the heart of the mountains and Hill Tribe communities around Chiang Mai – and what better way to travel than in your very own Tuk Tuk, either driving (self-drive) or relaxing in the back seat (chauffeur option) right in the heart of the sights and sounds of this wonderful part of the world. An incredible adventure awaits as you travel by Tuk Tuk and explore the mountains and remote communities of Northern Thailand. Take in the stunning views from these iconic vehicles, camp in a remote Karen Hill Tribe village, learn to cook a ‘jungle’ feast with the community, hike in the foothills of Thailand’s highest mountain and experience Thailand at it’s very best.


A stunning Tuk Tuk Adventure taking you deep into the heart of the mountains and Hill Tribe communities around Chiang Mai – and what better way to travel than in your very own Tuk Tuk, either driving (self-drive) or relaxing in the back seat (chauffeur option) right in the heart of the sights and sounds of this wonderful part of the world. An incredible adventure awaits as you travel by Tuk Tuk and explore the mountains and remote communities of Northern Thailand. Take in the stunning views from these iconic vehicles, camp in a remote Karen Hill Tribe village, learn to cook a ‘jungle’ feast with the community, hike in the foothills of Thailand’s highest mountain and experience Thailand at it’s very best.


Day 1


You’ll be picked up at 8:00am from the CHIANG MAI GATE HOTEL in Chiang Mai city and our team will transfer you by minivan to The Tuk Tuk Club base in Mae Wang, around 45-60 minutes South West of the city.

On arrival at our base, you’ll be introduced to your trusty Tuk Tuk and driver (chauffeur option) and get settled in for the adventure ahead. Our Tuk Tuks are specially modified to not only cope perfectly with the winding mountain roads but also to give extra comfort and views from the back seat. There are Bluetooth speakers for you to play your road trip selections and you can even roll back the roof if you fancy catching some sun!

You’ll have a simple but hearty lunch at a great local restaurant and then start to head up into the serious mountains. On the way you’ll stop to take the short hike to a forest waterfall and explore a tiny Karen community and then you continue to wind up the hairpin bends to your overnight destination of a remote Karen village where you’ll camp and have an incredible authentic ‘Hill Tribe’ experience.

Once you’ve arrived at the campsite, you’ll have a traditional Karen greeting and then have the opportunity to explore the local village and meet the ‘elders’ and learn about their community, culture and way of life. In the evening you’ll learn how to cook jungle style with an open fire and lessons from our Karen hosts before spending the night under the stars – a proper Thailand adventure.

PLEASE NOTE: For those on the self-drive option there will be a detailed, in-depth driver training session followed by a test that all drivers must pass before heading out onto the road. For those who’ve chosen the chauffeur option this is a great experience to learn more about the Tuk Tuks, how they work and, if you’d like, the opportunity to have a quick go yourself!


Transfer to our Tuk Tuk base camp, to get started on your authentic travel experience in the beautiful Thai Country side


  • Transfert To Tuk Tuk Base Camp
  • Cooking Lesson Jungle Style
  • Full Tuk Tuk Orientation
  • Lunch Dinner & Drinking Water


The tents are actually very comfortable with mattresses / cushions / pillows / blankets etc and there are ‘Western’ style toilets and a hot shower available too!

Day 2


After breakfast, you’ll explore the local area and forest around the village with your guide and members of the local community before getting back into the Tuk Tuks and heading along yet more stunning roads (plenty of stops to take in the views) and into the heart of the foothills of Doi Inthanon, Thailand’s highest mountain.

This is a fantastic journey through spectacular mountain scenery, along rarely travelled roads, giving you a real insight into Thailand, well the real Thailand - away from the tourist trail.

You’ll stop for a late lunch at a small roadside restaurant – the real deal in terms of authentic local Thai country fare – and then head on to the small Karen community of Ban Mae Khlang Luang, your overnight base.

The village is surrounded by mountains and rice terraces and is the perfect setting for the second night of your adventure. Once you’ve checked in, you’ll explore the village, see how the community live and get to sample some of the freshest coffee around in one of the most atmospheric coffee shops we’ve ever come across! In the evening it’s time for a traditional Thai style BBQ in the rice fields! Great fun and a real Thailand tradition.


Enjoy more spectactular views as you continue your adventure along the foothills of Doi Inthanon, Thailand’s highest mountain


  • All Meals & Drinking Water


Twin share accommodation in the hill tribe village – this is relatively simple accommodation but is still en-suite with hot water and wi-fi. The rooms are fan-cooled only but air-conditioning is not needed this high in the mountains

Day 3


After breakfast, you’ll head out to hike and explore the forests around the village in the foothills of Doi Inthanon. The hike is ‘only’ around 5 – 6 km (lead by a local village guide) but takes you through fantastic forests and eventually to a series of stunning waterfalls.

You’ll have lunch at the foot of the largest waterfall and there’s plenty of time to swim in the pool below. After lunch, you will hike downhill out of the forest and back to the Hill Tribe village where you stayed the night before.

It’s then time to say goodbye to your Tuk Tuk as you are transfered back to Chiang Mai city by private minivan, arriving back at The Chiang Mai Gate Hotel at around 4:30pm


Enjoy your Thai style lunch at one of the stunning waterfalls created by the mighty Doi Inthanon, before we say our Final Goodbyes


  • Guided Waterfall Hike
  • Breakfast Lunch & Drinking Water
  • Transfer To Chiang Mai City By Private Minivan

What's Included


All accommodation as per itinerary

Ground Transport

Tuk Tuks and all related costs are included.

For those booking the chauffeur driven option each Tuk Tuk can take a maximum of 2 adults, for those booking the self-drive option each Tuk Tuk can take a maximum of 3 adults.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is compulsory for all of our trips but is not included and it is your responsibility to ensure that you have appropriate cover for all aspects of your trip

Self-Drive Option

All travellers who wish to drive a Tuk Tuk MUST have a driving license from their own country (manual gear) and an International Driving Permit (IDP).

No previous Tuk Tuk driving experience is necessary as you will be trained on Day 1 but please note that if you don’t usually drive a manual/stick shift car then we strongly recommend you choose the chauffeur driven option.

At the end of training session, all drivers must pass a test. If the guide / training team believe you have not passed the test, then unfortunately you will not be able to drive on the roads. The decision of the training team is final.

Group Size Rate Variation

  • 2-3 Travellers: £438pp
  • 4-5 Travellers: £375pp
  • 6+ Travellers, Standard "Join in Rate": £329pp


Meals and Drinking Water provided as per itinerary


All International and Domestic Flights

Group Size

The minimum group size for this adventure is 2 people, the maximum is 10

The Best Travel Stories

After all who else has travelled through the mountains of Thailand by Tuk Tuk…

Created by
Bruce Haxton

Obsessed with travel since an early age and lucky enough to have lived, worked and travelled all over the world, helping others get under the skin of Thailand and and to experience life and communities well off the beaten track is what gets me out of bed with a smile every day. Originally from Yorkshire (and still addicted to Yorkshire Tea and Leeds United) I’ve worked in the travel industry for most of my life being lucky enough to run exciting adventure and experiential travel opportunities throughout the world.

Having had strong connections to Thailand since my first visit many years ago as a backpacker and then operating many travel adventures throughout the country, my family and I re-located here several years ago and headed for the beautiful mountains of Chiang Mai where we run our unique, award winning Tuk Tuk Adventures

Taking travellers well off the beaten track and into the heart of the mountains and communities in Northern Thailand, all our travel is done by Thailand’s iconic Tuk Tuk, albeit ones that were specially built for us and the awesome mountain roads. With self drive and ‘chauffeur’ driven options, super passionate guides and support teams on every trip, brilliant accommodation (who says an adventure has to be uncomfortable?!) and more activities than you can shake a stick at our Tuk Tuk Adventures are perfect for anyone with a lust for life, a sense of adventure and a desire to experience the full beauty of Thailand well away from the tourist trail.

And when not out and about in a Tuk Tuk, my family and I can be found cycling up stupidly steep mountain roads, exploring yet more remote villages and indulging in our never ending quest for the perfect sunset bar…..

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