Health Awareness is vital at primary school levels but is not limited to primary levels. This enables children to be more aware of their health as they age. All health topics are sorted/prepared according to suitable age agroups
This volunteer program is especially suitable for:
Age 18+/Singles/Couples/Families(16+ yrs) /GAP Years/Groups/50+(able to teach/talk to children)
Health Talk with school aged children or other members if the community. Health topics are to be planned beforehand (during lesson prep) so long as the target group or audience of this project is considered. Increasing number of NCDs & CDs locally, is of much concern and this program is vital for self awareness at grassroot level. Health talks can be done in classrooms or community halls. Volunteers will always be accompanied by a local project leader and other members of the group. Discussion/awareness topics and contents are to be checked by project leaders during lesson prep sessions (afternoon activity 3: 30 - 4pm).
Lesson preparation sessions are mandatory for all volunteers from Monday - Fridays.
*Sick days will also be given to volunteers if need be and there will be forms available.
Health Students/Graduates, Social Workers or Social work Students, Teachers/Interns, Volunteers or anyone who has the passion for community betterment!
- Island Hopping (end Of Project)
Volunteers are to leave the volunteer accommodation after they have completed the full duration of their projects. Projects starts Mon-Friday (8:30-2-30pm). Volunteers may choose to spend a weekend off else where if they want to and be back by Sunday evening.